The RobPathRec app – Functions and settings

General information #

Each function has a tooltip. So it is enough to move the mouse pointer onto the value field to see the short description of the certain function.

Main screen #

  1. Robot type indicator – you can select the right one if you loaded more than one
  2. The selected tool in RoboDK. If there is only one tool inserted, the selection is automatic. If there are more tools inserted, the required tool can be selected by dropdown.
  3. The selected frame in RoboDK. If there is only one frame inserted, the selection is automatic. If there are more tools inserted, the required tool can be selected by dropdown.
  4. Define offset of the points to the frame. [Tx,Ty,Tz,Rx,Ry,Rz]
  5. Define offset of the points to the tool. [Tx,Ty,Tz,Rx,Ry,Rz]
  6. Program name
  7. The last calibration values can be used again. Please note: if you changed the position of the base stations, your frame or anything on your hardware setup and you reuse the last calibration, the accuracy can suffer.
    We recommend in any case to complete a calibration before recording a new path. It takes just a couple of seconds, and you can make sure your coordinate system is applied on a proper manner.
  8. In some use cases (e.g. welding, painting) it might be disadvantageous if the orientation for each point would change. To avoid this, you can fix the orientation to a master orientation value.
    If this option is checked, only the Tx, Ty, Tz coordinates will be recorded. Rx, Ry, Rz stays constant.
  9. Convert discrete points into RoboDK curve data
  10. Export the recorded path / points into a csv file.
  11. It directs you to our single source of truth resource:
  12. Version number of you RobPathRec App
  13. Options
  14. Configure the hardware buttons on the Teach Pen. About the options, see Configure buttons chapter
  15. Here you can create a python launcher for your certain RoboDK configurations. You can create multiple launchers (tool, frame, type of the tcp, robot type (scara, 6axis etc.)). For more details, please see Create launcher.
  16. Manage your license key. Here you can enter your valid license key.
  17. Press this button to start the path recording. For more details, see Recording screen

Configure buttons #

You can configure each hardware button on the device based on your preferences.

  • PosRec: Record a single point
  • PathRec: Record multiple points – as a path
  • PosRecComm1: Enter a new point with a predefined comment into the program. You can add technological comments into the path exactly on the right place. E.g. Welding job start, welding job stop. You can define the comment text in the Options (item 22)
  • PosRecComm2:Enter a new point with a predefined comment into the program. You can add technological comments into the path exactly on the right place. E.g. Welding job start, welding job stop. You can define the comment text in the Options (item 23)
  • SaveOri: You can define the master orientation by pressing the button. The orientation of the point in the moment of the pressing the button will be the master orientation. If you activate the “Save points with master orientation” on the main screen, this saved orientation will be applied for each recorded point.

AddComment: With this function, you can add a comment without adding a point. The result is anew line the program containing the comment but no point will be inserted. You can define the text of the comment in the Options item 21

Create launcher #

You can create your specific RobPathRec launcher including the attributes for the fastest starting and working experience. This will create you a python script, which you can import into RoboDK to start the certain configuration with a double click.

First, select the robot – out of the robots, which are already loaded into your RoboDK file. Please note, you can load more than one robot into your RoboDK file.

Define the output file name. You can choose the tool and the frame, if you loaded more than one into your file.

Define the mode of the TCP. If you want to move the tool or the workpiece.

Select the robot type. You can choose:

  • 6 axis
  • scara/delta (Rx,Ry will be overwritten from Option Nr14 Value)
  • Cnc (Rxyz will be overwritten from Option Nr14 Value)


Choose if you want to use the default configuration.

This a kind of selector of an “admin mode” or a “simplified view user mode”.

If the value is TRUE (default value), the main screen will look like in this manual. You can still see all of the values on the main screen and you can choose frame, tol, etc.

If the value is FALSE – you can start with a simplified user mode. In this case some information will not be shown on the main screen, you can just start with the recording without any “disturbing” information. With a simple double click, your operation personal (no engineer needed) can just simply use the device.

Once you ready, the output file name incl. path will show up.

Options #

  1. Buffer size to check the button status – default=4
  2. The maximum value of how many button state is allowed to be different from the others. Default = 0
  3. The number of the recorded points used for the calculation of one point. The higher the value the less outlier you get but the slower you have to move the pen for accurate path recording. Default = 9
  4. Distance limit for path recording – if the distance is longer then this value in mm – add a new point. Default = 1 (mm)
  5. Orientation limit for path recording – if the difference is bigger then this value in degrees – record a new point. Default = 5
  6. The offset between the points: tracker origo to the peak of the teach pen [Tx,Ty,Tz,Rx,Ry,Rz].
  7. Offset between robot base and pen frame in reality [Tx,Ty,Tz,Rx,Ry,Rz].
  8. Sampling method – this is a limited pro parameter. If there is a request to change this – or if you think it might be beneficial for you – please contact us
  9. This setting is relevant if you activate the CSV export on the main screen. CSV export: TRUE – remote tcp positions will be calculated direct from flange, FALSE – coordinates will be calculated from the other tcp
  10. Transform the recorded points into a robot brand specific csv. Select the robot type for it. If your certain brand is not listed, please contact us!
  11. Start value to define frame offset or for the usage of own configuration mode value [Tx,Ty,Tz,Rx,Ry,Rz].
  12. Start value to define tool offset or for the usage of own configuration mode value [Tx,Ty,Tz,Rx,Ry,Rz].
  13. Value to overwrite the recorded positions .. recorded point rx = config value rx (scara/delta rx+ry, cnc rx+ry+rz) – Tx/y/z [mm], Rx/y/z [deg]!
  14. Name of the program in RoboDK
  15. Prefix for the points in RoboDK GUI
  16. If you want to use the last calibration settings. TRUE = use last measured real frame calibration – WE DO NOT RECOMMEND TO USE THIS DUE TO ACCURACY CONCERNS. Default = FALSE
  17. If you want to use as default a master orientation for each recorded point. TRUE = The orientation of the recorded points will be overwritten with the master orientation
  18. Save the recorded points into RoboDK curve data
  19. Setting for the default behaviour, if the recorded points should be exported into a CSV file. TRUE = save the recorded points in CSV
  20. Relevant, if you want to use internal RoboDK functions, like the visualization of a spraying process. TRUE = calls an internal RoboDK program
  21. Text for add comment function – you can use this comments like bookmarks within the path.
  22. Text for PosRecComm1 function (e.g Welding job 1 ON)
  23. Text for PosRecComm2 function (e.g Welding job 1 OFF)
  24. If you want to transfer the recorded data points directly to RoboDK. TRUE = recorded points add to RoboDK program
  25. Live simulation of the Teach Pen movements on the screen. TRUE = simulated robot in RoboDK follows the pen movement, FALSE = no visualisation of robot movements: recording speed is faster, accuracy is better, but robot availability not checked
  26. Version of the used tracker. FALSE = V3 (small one); TRUE = V2 (bigger one). The most of our Teach pens are already using the V3 tracker.
  27. Restore factory default values for all settings.
Vive Pro v2 vs Vive Pro v3
  1. For the operating with HTC Vive Pro Tracker 2.0 the value 26 must be FALSE! This value must be set up BEFORE the operation!
  2. 6. PEN OFFSET
    1. Due to geometrical reasons, there are 2 different Pen offset values for Tracker 2.0 and tracker 3.0.
    2. PEN Offset for v2.0:
      [ -0.733 , -81.312 , 70.646 , 45 , 0 , 0 ]
    3. PEN Offset for v3.0:
      [-2.34, -81.71, 81.14, 45, 0, 0]

      Please apply the values respectively. The default PEN Offset value is the value for the version 3.0. If you still experience irregularities, after applying the right offset value, please contact us at


Recording screen #

  1. Instructions for the initial calibration.
    1. Teach the ORIGO
    2. Teach X direction
    3. Teach Y direction
  2. Status indicator if the tracker is connected to PC (via dongle). If GREEN, recording is available. RED = no connection.
  3. Battery status of the tracker in %
  4. How many base stations are installed and active. Active base station = connected with the tracker. If it’s not active, you might change it’s position to have a direct optical connection to the tracker.
  5. Status of the physical buttons on the Teach Pen (Green = button pressed and active)
  6. Indicator if the position of the recording point can be reached by the used robot.
  7. Save Position – Soft button for recording a position
  8. Soft button for adding a comment line into the program
  9. Save Ori: only active if you activated the save orientation checkbox on the main screen. This is a soft button.
  10. Directional distance from the last saved point in mm
  11. Number of the recorded positions
  12. 3D absolute distance from the last saved position in mm
  13. Sampling rate in Hz . The first value is the sampling rate in RoboDK. The second value is the native value of the VR sampling.
  14. Finish recording – soft button

Installed files and folders #

Installation directory #

You can find your installed RobPathRec folder:


Sample files #

Sample files (optionally provided during the installation):


We strongly recommend that you check out these files to learn fast the right setup of the RoboDK files for the operation.

License and log files #

You can find your license file and your log files in this directory:


If you need support, please use this page: 

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