This guide was created for the initial setup. The guide attempts to guide the reader step by step through the individual stages. The descriptions are written with the aim of making it as understandable as possible for many people, even without prior knowledge in the fields of automation and robot programming. The application possibilities of the RobPathRec programming tool are almost infinite. Depending on the robot arrangement, the number of robots, and the application, a new guide could always be created. This guide attempts to provide a general description, which broadens understanding. Based on this understanding, application development for complex to very complex cases can be enabled.
You will learn:
- How to build your (simplified) cell in RoboDK
- How to synchronize the cell in RoboDK with the physical cell
- How to install the VR system
- How to perform your first path recording on the screen
- How to set and check the tool TCP and the frame
- How to record the first path and trace it on the robot
- and more
We highly recommend studying the basics with RoboDK here:
and the Pro-Modules of RoboDK:
Have fun and happy automation!